Monday, November 11, 2013

19 weeks to go!!!

I'm so excited to share that our BIG 20 week checkup for our princess went PERFECTLY! Penelope is measuring right on mark and already weighs 12oz - That's just about 2oz more than the average, so she's definitely a healthy lil baby <3 It's beyond amazing seeing her transformation and beautiful little features. Seriously, growing a baby is the most rewarding and amazing experience I've ever had in my entire life!!!! There's no way for me to describe how amazing her little kicks feel or how my belly literally grows OVERNIGHT - But feeling her tumble around and getting woken up in the early mornings by her kicks is the absolute BEST feeling. We are already so in love with the smallest little human and we haven't even got to hold her yet - pregnancy can simply be summed up in one word: amazing. If any woman asked me how I felt about pregnancy, I wouldn't have a single bad thing to say. I was so blessed not to have any morning sickness and I actually lasted in my regular jeans up until last week when I had to give-in and buy some maternity jeans; which are better than yoga pants in case you're wondering - classy but still just like sweats.... Genius! Above all, I can't forget to thank my amazing husband for countless nights I've made him go out super later to buy me mozzarella sticks and unsweet tea, or the mornings he brought me coffee in bed with breakfast - thank you <3 You have made this the most memorable experience of my life and it's been nothing short of joy and bliss growing our daughter. iloveyou. Thank you for all of the decaf Caramel Brulee Lattes that I could dream of and thank you for putting up with my indecisiveness about which craving to indulge in when one minute I want pickles and the next minute I have to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

But here's Penelope's first big-debut with her 20 week pictures from last Thursday - we are so proud of our perfect masterpiece! Xxo

Little arm & hand

Our perfect little girl <3

Sweet Girl with her hand in her mouth! Although slight,
this picture is different from the one above :)

Baby Foot! It's Loooooove!!!!!!

xo taylor 


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