Monday, December 3, 2012

DIY Hot Oil Hair Treatment That WORKS!!!! Yey!

 **I posted this on my last blog, but felt the need to repost because it's one of my favorites.**
A hot oil hair treatment that works using JUST OIL - NO CHEMICALS! It leaves your hair feeling super silky and NOT heavy or oily! I do this about once every month, mainly for lack of time on my behalf, but if you have the time, do it as often as you need it. The winter time sucks when it comes to your hair and skin so keep up this regimen and that's one less thing you'll have to keep up with ;) ENJOY! xx

1.            Put the olive oil in a bowl (the amount depends on the length and thickness of your hair) and place the bowl with the olive oil in the microwave. 
2.            Heat up the oil in 10 second increments. You'll probably have to do this a few times. Also, make sure you keep an eye on it while it's in the microwave. *CAUTION: Be extremely careful not to burn yourself, the oil may be hot.* 
3.            Pour the warm olive oil over your hair and comb through thoroughly. Use your fingers to massage the oil through the hair and on to your scalp. 
4.            Once that's done, put your hair in a bun and place a shower cap over it. 
5.            (Optional) Wet a towel with warm water, wring it out and carefully wrap it around your head.  Let it sit for 30 minutes. This will help open pores causing the treatment to be more efficient.
During the 30 minutes, if the towel gets cold, carefully take it off and re-wet it with warm water. Once the 30 minutes is up, wash your hair thoroughly with 
shampoo as normal.

UPDATE 08/13/14:
This particular blog has gotten out over 11,000 times!! I'm beyond happy & would love to know where everyone is seeing this blog link from, whether it be a website, twitter, instagram, google etc - please comment below or tweet me @taylorpilk XO Be sure to check out my website & other blog posts here




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