Wednesday, October 15, 2014

\\ What we use MOST at 6 months //

So here's the deal: Yesterday we OFFICIALLY turned our living room into an infant jungle-gym. I knew the time was coming as Penelope has been crawling/scooting and pulling up on ANYTHING she can get her hands on!
Before I had a baby, I babysat a lot of kids but never remembered that they became mobile this soon - Let the baby-proofing begin and I have to add that I absolutely ADORE this phase!!! She's beyond independent and really takes interest in doing things on her own. I'm not claiming she's a genius baby or anything buuuuuuuut I think she's the smartest of all time sooooooo........
Beyond all of that, going back to a [previous post] on product favorites, we have put away the rock-n-play and don't use the bassinet upper part of our 4Moms Breeze any longer because she was on her way to doing a stunt right from the top of we didn't do it and do it SOON. So here's an updated list for y'all.. And if you're wondering, we still use & love our [4Moms] Play Yard! It really is something that we've used from birth and continue to use every single day. OH! And I always wanted to be able to go into the toy aisle and actually be able to SHOP and pick out fun things for her and that time HAS ARRIVED! Woooo! This age is the fun part because she actually enjoys what you get for her and can entertain herself for hours (or minutes, depending ;)) - pure bliss, for us and her!

1 ANY Play Mat: 
Even though we particularly like these two: [this] & [this].  Any will do! They're all awesome, it's just a matter of personal preference but I will say that the one with sides is the best because when they start rolling, that helps them stay-put in one area.
These things are a awesome because they are used from birth on up.. you can't go wrong with em'. Here are a few more we have and love... They're all great quality and have lasted wash after wash! Click [here] & [here]. All can be bought at BabiesRus.

2 Jumper:
Penelope loved hers from about 4mo to about 2 weeks ago. She would rather be on the floor, pulling herself around but nonetheless, this kept her entertained for a few short months and it also helped strengthen her legs to prepare her for what she's currently doing: pulling up on 
e v e r y t h i n g. Click [here] for the one we use!

3 Aiden + Anais Stroller&Swaddle Blankets:
[These] are perfect for when your little babe is a newborn and perfect for when they're older! I absolutely adore anything made by A+A so it should be no surprise that I'd recommend these as well! They are decently priced and are better than the swaddle blankets for winter time and cooler weather. We use this on the floor, stroller rides, a regular blanket and it's big enough for an adult and true to A+A fashion, these are reeeeally soft and durable... Plus, free shipping through BuyBuyBaby - You can't go wrong. 

The title speaks for itself and even 6 month olds LOVE em' so I'm just going to list Penelope's favorites:
Anything that hangs and sounds crunchy and we're good to go!

For nighttime:
Honest note: We don't travel ANYWHERE without the sleep sheep^^!!!!!! It is a must-have and has been since P was born! 

For Travel:

This blog is all over the place but I hope it's easy to navigate and pick through! Don't forget to check out [@babys_best] instagram.. Sometimes I don't blog about things and I update that instead xo

Also, be sure to subscribe and follow me on instagram & twitter x
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