I was on an adrenaline rush... I would lay awake for hours just watching Penelope sleep so peacefully in her cot and Devon gently holding her tiny little hand while they both slept. Pure joy bursting through my heart. WE DID IT! We were parents to the most beautiful baby on the planet. Our perfect masterpiece... What an amazing accomplishment. All the way from the first positive pregnancy test that we had waited so long for, to now holding our sweetness in our arms... Planting kisses on the chunky cheeks we had waited so long to see in-person.
It felt like the hospital stay ended as quickly as it began and we were on our way HOME! The first two weeks, Penelope slept so peacefully, only waking to eat. We even joked that we would never know what her eyes looked like because she would keep them closed, even when she was awake. It was a grab-your-phone-QUICK-and-take-a-picture moment when her eyes would open for a brief minute or two. Those quiet moments quickly turned into a 6 month old crawling around, getting into e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. You have kept us on our toes, my love! But despite your curiosity, your hardest part of this year has been getting those pesky teeth in... A small feat for such a strong little girl :)
Before I was a mom and I would hear people say "time flies when you have a child", I couldn't wrap my head around the thought. I didn't understand. Now, I do. I completely get it. Time flies when you're having fun and this year has been the most fun of our lives. We have done more, felt more, experienced more than we could have ever done if it were just Devon and me. I used to think that when Devon and I were able to travel the world for his racing, that we had "done it all". Amazing how wrong I was... In the best way to be wrong that's possible.
I couldn't imagine life any other way. We've been able to expand our team... We've been blessed to start a family.... Doing and experiencing life together. I am so thankful for all of it and thank you to my husband for picking up my emotional-self this entire week as we've prepared for P's big day. I couldn't keep it together without you. Of course I want our baby to stay little but thank you for letting me see the glass half-full and reminding me how thankful I should be that we have a happy baby girl that's growing up healthy and loved.
So, as I lay here in bed, finishing up this blog, I can't believe that's it been a year... And it's really sinking in how crazy it is that a single year can change your life.
Dream big my baby girl! This world is YOURS!! We love you, Penelope Elaine. Always have, always will. xo
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