Thursday, April 30, 2015


Since I started going to the gym pretty heavily and now that I take P with me most of the time, I knew she needed something to help her immune system work at max potential - THE NATURAL WAY  and also since I've been getting my butt kicked with allergies his year and I can't stand taking any medicine, I pretty much suffer through it because, well, I'm a Taurus and super hard-headed. #lifegoeson ... Anyways - I always take my vitamins but I wanted something more, so after some research and with the help of the lady at Whole Foods, I decided to go with these two probiotics for Penelope and me. Since these probis are refrigerated, the little organisms inside are actually alive thus guaranteeing a better outcome! 

The one I take comes in a pill form and it's easily swallowed, 3x's a day. 
For Penelope's, hers comes in a powder-form and all she needs is 1/4 tsp a day in her coconut milk - easy as pie. It's tasteless within the milk (and in general) so she can't even tell it's there.
 The best news of all? Her probiotic is for 0-5 years old! Literally from the moment they pop out, you can give them this! Serious score and I'm bummed I didn't look into this beforehand! But hey, it's never too late - I'm almost 24 soooo....!

Now, searching on Amazon, I've seen prices significantly lower than what I bought these for at Whole Foods so that's probably your best bet - unless you need it today... You'd probably need to get Amazon prime if you could wait 2 days, ya know. 

So here are the links for the two:

[click the link to be redirected]


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