I absolutely love Real Simple magazine! I always love their all-natural approach and quick tips and tricks ;) So anyways, here's an article that I found in this months edition: What Important Life Lesson has Motherhood taught you? Here are some pictures of what was written - I can relate to these all too well - the joys of motherhood for ya! xo
Penelope has given me a run for my money on this one! She's such a doll with a huge, independent heart - Makes great character until she's determined to stick her finger in an electrical socket for the 100th time. (We have safety blocks on them but she still tries to pull them off) #thisismylife #monkeycoveringeyesemoji
This article really hit home because of an article in the Huffington Post that I read yesterday.. It was written by a mom that simply stated how she doesn't care about your parenting techniques - I completely agree.
I see far too many women being judged by other moms (of all people) for their parenting style. I think it's important to remember that every ones story is so different. Kids grow and change by the day so just because you see my child crying hysterically one day, doesn't mean that's our daily life and you're warranted to tell me, or anyone for that matter, how we could "do better". If you've ever dealt with a child, you'd quickly figure out that sometimes, not a single thing but a nap is going to fix the crying or whining and sometimes you gotta get groceries... Feeding my family is super important, ya know.
Some of the other few that pretend their advice is absolutely perfection - get that negativity out of yo' life. Y'all, there is absolutely no room for "friends" like that on this bus.
"Do not let someone who has never walked in your shoes make you feel like you're not up to par with a game they haven't even tried playing yet." -TBP
This blog is sort of rambling but I can't stand the division in what should be a sisterhood. Kids spill food and are extremely messy, no matter what kind of crib they're sleeping in or they brand of clothes they're wearing - There's absolutely no difference between my reality and yours. We're all doing what's best while working with a few hours of sleep at the same time. We're all amazing and bring so much to the table.. But don't get that confused with force feeding me what you're bringing tho. Not everyone likes cheesecake, ya feel me? Just come to the table to enjoy the company because while cheesecake may be sweet, it's not for everyone - remember that the next time you spew off some nice-hate to a fellow mama doing her best ;)
Love all of the mamas I've met along the way and the lessons I've been taught through this amazingly fun journey - New mama friends, I welcome you too! Let's be friends and brag about our amazing kids together, because they really are the most perfect little things to walk the earth, right!? Please feel free to write me and give me ideas on blogs you'd love to see me write - I'm open to them all - even non-mama-related ones! You can anonymously fill out the box to the right, if you're on an iPad, tablet or desktop! OR if you're on your phone, just scroll to the bottom and click View Full Website to see the contact box!
-til next time XO
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