Friday, September 1, 2017


These are the last few weeks of summer. The sun disappearing so early is a sure sign that fall is right around the corner. Before Penelope started school, I didn't want to let summer go. Partially because that meant we were starting new chapter with and an entirely new venture but also because our days of being care-free would soon be over. Thankfully, the transition of her going to school has been so easy. She loves it and I've done way better than I thought I would and I'm even more thankful that so has she. She's my adventurer so I had a gut-feeling that this would be more difficult for me than her.... The tried and true words of a mom, I suppose.
A few weeks ago, we took some family pictures and so far, I think I've had every single one printed and they've  quickly taken over our house - especially the new gallery wall we just put up!

As I've said before, my love for photography runs deep. I definitely get it from my dad because he has always taken pictures of us growing up, playing outside, riding our bikes.. ya know, the good candid kind. We have so many that we've gone back on and looked at over the years and I especially love showing Penelope pictures from when I was her age and asking her "Who is this?" and she screams "ME!!" And as (most of) y'all know, I've been told she's Devon's twin since the minute she popped out so this is a huge feat for us hahaha anyway -
   We had a friend use my camera and snap a few shots of us in a sunflower field and at a little private beach with my brother + sis-in-law and I haven't stopped starring at these since. 
I've cried a few times over them because this is my FAMILY. Two beautiful souls that the man I'm head-over-heels in love with, created together. I've zoomed in, starred at each smile, embrace and kiss and have completely fallen in love a million times over. 
Family pictures are special and I love that these are so personal. I was able to make them my own. Something I'll get to keep for a lifetime and one day, when I'm 90, I hope to sit on our front-porch with my great-grand babies and talk to them about these pictures. Where we took them. Our lives at the moment. How young and vibrant we were. Pictures are just so entirely special to me and I'm glad we got the chance to capture these.

Anyway, here are the pics of us. My family. And mister serious, who was so tired but was such a trooper, along with his sister that I can't get to stay still for the life of me.... 

+ Outfit details below
+ Hair by @maadonnab - follow her if you haven't!

I also want to take a minute and talk about the people of Houston. I don't think anyone truly understands the importance of community and loving one another until a tragedy like this happens. 
Family, friends and community are what remain and that's inevitably what will get them through. Plus, the nations amazing and quick response to help lend relief to Texas during this terribly difficult time.
I'm praying for you. Your families. Your homes. Your community and your well-being. We all our. Your lives and livelihood... Your neighbors and friends. Even the strangers. You are all important. You aren't forgotten.  The hurt and pain. That is REAL. I have no more words because I've never been in a situation like this. Even though my uncle lives in Houston, he was one of the lucky ones that had minimal damage so even for our family, the devastation is slightly skewed to those that have lost it all - especially the ones that were lost during this storm. I pray for peace for those families. My heart aches for you.
 Seeing the pictures and putting tearful faces with an impossibly difficult scenario, I have so much empathy in my heart - and to the parents that had to hold their babies in the pouring rain, wading in waist-high waters to get someplace dry - you have my tears, respect and compassion. I can't even fathom. To the animals that were photographed wandering down the street, ownerless - my heart hurts a little more today thinking of all of them, praying they can find a dry and warm place to rest and sleep tonight. And to the families that lost their beautiful homes - I am devastated with you because seeing a place that you considered a safe-haven - now underwater and inhabitable - my whole heart cries with you. But despite the despair, I also see strangers helping strangers. People coming together and sacrificing it all for someone they have never even met, from all the way across the world. That's power. That's love.
Houstonians, your courage sticks with me and I'm completely humbled by your selflessness and that you have undoubtedly put bravery and heroism before your fear. May this pass quickly and may your community heal whole.

27 “I leave you peace. My peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So do not let your hearts be troubled. Do not be afraid. John 14:27

If you are interested in helping, in anyway, here are a few places you can donate:
+ Salvation Army - text STORM to 51555
+ United Way - text UWFLOOD to 41444
+ Global Giving - text HARVEY to 80100
+ Texas Diaper Bank:
+ Donate to Austin Pets Alive



1 comment

  1. These pictures are fantastic!!!! Such a beautiful family you have!



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